William A. Miller | Published on 4/1/2024
The 2024 nominating period will be from 15 March to 1 July. Nominations will be submitted to the Association President or any member of the Board of Directors. Detailed information on the award process will be found on the AVVBA Website. Nominations must be submitted in narrative format addressing each of the following criteria:
1. Member’s past or present participation as a volunteer, committee member, committee chair, or organizer in AVVBA initiatives such as Support to USO, Veteran Job Fairs, Veteran Memorials, etc.
2. Member’s faithful attendance at monthly AVVBA meetings to include participation in supporting activities such as USO Raffle, Speaker, Photography, Membership, Quartermaster, Logistics, et al.
3. Member’s past or present service as an AVVBA Officer or Director, to include service on the AVVBA Foundation, if applicable.
4. Member’s participation in local civic activities that promote Veterans affairs.
5. Member’s receipt of National, State, or local award or recognition as a distinguished Veteran or for their support of Veterans affairs.
6. Other significant contributions by the Member in support of Veterans or the AVVBA.